Tour of Herefordshire Cathedral School – 6th March 2019
By 2018 Nathaniel Hone
Two very bright Hereford Cathedral School scholars gave us a tour of the school that sits in the block bound by Castle Street, Ferrers Street, East Street and the Cathedral Close. It has buildings elsewhere but much of the school is to be found here in what seems, from the outside to be quite a small area, but, like the Tardis, seems to open up into a wealth of facilities and activity. A word to sum up the atmosphere might be “energy” and bags of it.
It may be very old but it is very modern in its approach and continues to develop. Hundreds of years ago, its main focus would have been to provide music for the Cathedral. Now, in addition to well rounded high quality education, it makes the finest music of all sorts for all types of audience as well as continuing the best choral tradition in the Cathedral.