Today, it’s all about Young Carers
By 2020 Tricia Thomas
Today, it’s all about Young Carers and what we should know in Carers Week
1. There are estimated to be 700,000 Young Carers in the UK.
2. A Young carer is defined as a person under 18 who helps look after someone who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol, with some as young as 5 years old, taking on caring duties.
3. Nearly a third of Young Carers miss school, causing knock-on educational difficulties.
4. 39% say that nobody at school is aware they are a carer.
5. Most Young Carers have to deal with stuff that most of us only have to face in adulthood; emotional support, budgeting, medicine responsibility and more.
6. Over a third report they are only ‘OK’ physically, with more reporting a mental health problem.
7. The Young Carers Transition Assessment to Adulthood isn’t capturing as many Young Carers as intended.
8. Financial support for their role is only available to them when they turn 16.
9. COVID-19 has meant heightened isolation, loneliness, mental health issues, confusion about facts of the pandemic.
There is valuable support for theses young people from organisations in the county who have changed how they are working to ensure services are maintained. The
WISH Herefordshire website is a mine of information https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/…/social…/416/carers/2
@ herefordshireyoungcarers http://hycclub.co.uk/about/
Hope Support Services http://www.hopesupport.org.uk/
@CarerLinks https://www.facebook.com/groups/CarerlinksHerefordshire
No Wrong Door – HVOSS Youth Project http://www.hvoss.org.uk/…/no-wrong-door-project.aspx
St Michael’s Hospice – Hereford https://www.st-michaels-hospice.org.uk/…/support-for…/