Lean On Me student graduation – 7th February 2019
By 2018 Nathaniel Hone
The young people that are the Lean on Me teams that are at Emilia’s Place in Union Street ready to look after the worse for wear (for a wide variety of reasons) on a Friday and Saturday night, undergo a rigorous six month training before “passing out”. This was their graduation ceremony. The Lord Lieutenant gives each successful student a certificate and I give them their Lean-on-Me tee-shirt (a fine division of labour).
We heard from a past student of their experience and how it boosted their confidence to be able to deal with a wide variety of tricky situations. Superintendent Sue Thomas, Senior Police Officer in Herefordshire told us how grateful she is that the team so often prevent the escalation of matters to a level requiring intervention by the police.
Vennture continues to be one of the most impressive charities with which we have had some involvement so it has appeared a number of times in this blog. Here is a link again.