Installation of the 637th Mayor of Hereford – Monday 21st May


By 2018 Nathaniel Hone

The Office of High Sheriff is not much older than that of Mayor of Hereford. The Charter granted to Hereford in 1189 specifically says “So that no Sheriff of ours shall intrude in any wise upon them concerning any plea, quarrel or other thing related to the aforementioned town.”

The office of “The Right Worshipful The Mayor of Hereford” gets its first mention under a Charter granted by Richard II in 15th November 1383, an unusual title which is a great Honour for the city.

Therefore, it was very good of the Mayor of Hereford elect to invite said Sheriff to her Installation. The new Mayor, Sue Boulter takes over from Sharon Michael after a successful year.

With all that practise, it is, perhaps, not surprising that Hereford does these occasions particularly well.


Installation of the 637th Mayor of Hereford – Monday 21st May