HVOSS AGM – 14th November 2018


By 2018 Nathaniel Hone

The Herefordshire Voluntary Organisations Support Service (HVOSS) held its AGM at the Kindle Centre, Hereford. HVOSS sits at the centre of Voluntary organisations in Herefordshire providing help, advise and services. The meeting was welcomed by Lynda Wilcox, Chair of HVOSS and Will Lindesay, Chief Executive told us about the year gone by and plans for the future.

Here is a link to their web-site. Every voluntary organisation in Herefordshire should be a member.

A number of HVOSS members gave presentations.

No Wrong Door

Community Wheels

Talent Match

Volunteer Bureau

Social Prescribing

Building Better Opportunities

A lot of people doing great work for others. their reward was some very good cakes.


HVOSS AGM – 14th November 2018