Herefordshire Magistrates Mock Trial Competition (High Schools)
By 2013 Bob Tabor
On Saturday 15th March 2014, Bob and Bea attended the Herefordshire Magistrates Mock Trial Competition for High Schools at Herefordshire Magistrates Court, in which schools throughout Herefordshire are invited to take part. Pupils enact the roles of all participants who would be involved in a trial at a Magistrates Court. They act the parts of a JP, Prosecution Lawyer, Defence Lawyer, the Offenders, the Witnesses, the Court Manager and Staff. They were very professional in their approach and the result was realistic.
As this was a competition, the school who made the most professional and realistic representation was judged to have won – this was the Steiner School in Much Dewchurch.
This is a good way of demonstrating to young people the workings of our Justice System and it was enjoyed by the schools and observers. It is made possible by the generous time and effort of a number of volunteers and was co-ordinated by Leigh Brazewell JP and Chaired by Paul Deneen OBE, JP, DL. A final thanks to the Ledbury WI who provided delicious refreshments.