Give thanks for the sacrifices made 75 years ago
By 2020 Tricia Thomas
Give thanks for the sacrifices made 75 years ago
At 3pm on Friday 8 May, the nation is being invited to stand and raise a glass or cup of their choice at home and toast: “For those that gave so much, we thank you.” This time marks 75 years since VE (Victory in Europe) Day when the Second World War came to an end in Europe. The long anticipated news resulted in spontaneous celebrations breaking out across the nation. A national holiday was declared and people from all walks of life came together to mark the moment.
Sadly, all VE Day 75 events scheduled for the Bank Holiday weekend have been cancelled due to the continuing Coronavirus restrictions. Many community events were scheduled to take place in Herefordshire’s market towns, across parishes and in the city to commemorate and celebrate the end of World War 2.
Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Herefordshire, The Dowager Countess of Darnley CVO Lady Darnley, says:
“Coronavirus has altered our lives so completely that we are all having to accept unexpected, and unwelcome, restrictions and challenges. It is a great disappointment that so many long-planned events have, for everyone’s safety, to be cancelled, but it is still hugely important that we remember with thanksgiving the sacrifices made during the Second World War, and the joy and relief felt across the nation on Victory in Europe Day.
“Our parents, grandparents and great grandparents had to sacrifice far more than we are, and for nearly six years. We have enjoyed peace in Europe since then, and this is our opportunity to give thanks for their sacrifice and to celebrate the end of hostilities in Europe, and all the good things that were achieved.
“From my high risk isolation, and as Her Majesty’s representative in Herefordshire I send my very best wishes to our veterans and their families, and our friends working across the military charities, whilst also thanking all of those wonderful people across this county who are working so hard in this present crisis to keep us safe. As Her Majesty the Queen said “we shall meet again”.”
There are still lots of ways to commemorate VE Day 75 with your family. You could host a lockdown tea party at home with home-made bunting and share your photos on social media using #VEDay75. Historian Dan Snow has also set a creative challenge for children and will present a week of history lessons on Dan’s History Hit YouTube channel in the week running up to 8 May. For more VE Day activity inspiration visit www.ve-vjday75.gov.uk