Appointed or re-appointed at each declaration of the new High Sheriff, and the incumbent is very often in post for several years. As the High Sheriff changes each year, the Under Sheriff provides continuity and consistency to the Shrievalty. The Under Sheriff is generally a local solicitor and the role is undertaken voluntarily.
In Summary, the role of the Undersheriff is to:
- Be a guide and mentor to the High Sheriff before, during, and (on occasions) after the High Sheriff’s year of office.
- Act as Secretary to the Nomination Panel including keeping the records, arranging and attending the meetings, taking the Minutes, and distributing copies thereof to the panel members.
- Liaise with the Privy Council and ensure the submission of the nomination form at the appropriate time.
- Assist with the organising of key events, such as the Declaration and Shrieval Service.
- Be a means of liaison between the Shrievalty and the other organisations involved in the field of Law and Order e.g. the Judiciary, Her Majesty’s Courts Service, the Police, the Civic Authorities, the Military etc.
The Chaplain to the High Sheriff
Appointed during the declaration service, and who can be from any denomination or faith appropriate to the High Sheriff.

The Key Objectives:
- To support the Lord-Lieutenant on royal visits and on other occasions as appropriate
- To take an active part in supporting and promoting the voluntary sector and giving all possible encouragement to the voluntary organisations within a County.