Tricia Thomas

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Homestart Herefordshire

The Lockdown is difficult enough to handle when you’re an adult,…

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Face coverings and small peops

Face coverings are set to be the norm so we’ve all…

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The Covid-19 Honours List

Do you know of someone doing an amazing job, showing utmost…

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West Mercia Women’s Aid video

It could be a very long weekend for some people –…

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The Vennture Street Ambassador

I recently was privileged to join Vennture Street Ambassador Faye Roberts,…

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Encore Community Music

Encore Community Music usually brings the joy of singing to charities…

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Lots of ideas to keep everyone busy

With a long bank holiday weekend coming, and the lockdown only…

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A day in the life of a therapist, workin...

It’s Mental Health Week and an opportunity for us all to…

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Thank a Teacher Day

We all had a favourite teacher at school (mine was Mrs…

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Citizens Advice Herefordshire

Access to sound advice should not be exclusive, and thankfully Citizens…

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5 ways to look after your wellbeing

Five ways to look after your wellbeing – Bitesize advice for…

Fire Fighter Lauren Barnett @hwfireKington.
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Fire Fighter Lauren Barnett @hwfireKingt...

What a kind, inspirational message message from on-call Fire Fighter Lauren…