Armed Forces Week 2020
By 2020 Tricia Thomas
This week is all about Armed Forces Week 2020, when we recognise and celebrate the contribution of our Armed Forces community both present and past.
Today our Lord-Lieutenant, The Dowager Countess of Darnley, led the tribute and flag-raising in a closed ceremony at Suvla Barracks. For a full report click here
A flag will also fly all week outside The County Hospital and the photo below is from Herefordshire Veteran Support Centre who provide help and support to ex service people in our community.
So what is is Armed Forces Week?
Each day this week has a specific Armed Forces theme, ending on Friday on Friday 27th June with Armed Forces Day
Monday: Launch and Global Armed Forces
Tuesday: Innovation
Wednesday: Reserves Day
Thursday: Veterans the contribution made by those currently serving and our ex-service people