Visit to Longlands Care Farm, Whitbourne – 23rd January 2019
By 2018 Nathaniel Hone
Longlands Care Farm is taking in young people, from 11 to 18 years old who are unable to engage, for one reason or another with traditional education. There is a limit to how broad a provision can be made within a school. The Evans family, owners of the Longlands Farm over many generations and encompassing a number of different commercial operations, somehow have found the space and time to add into the mix this amazing charity. They are always looking for new ways of doing things and engaging others in their enthusiasm. They have a building programme for the charity underway at the moment.
This is no holiday camp. Farms are potentially dangerous. The young people are working towards serious qualifications while being treated as individuals and helped with any particular problems, be they physical and/or mental. Young people excluded from mainstream schools get referred to Longlands where they are loved and nurtured. One wishes that there were more places like it though it takes a special people to make it work so well.
Visit their web-site here.