Herefordshire Agricultural Club March Meeting
By 2013 Bob Tabor
Bob was invited to attend the Herefordshire Agricultural Club March Meeting at Lyde Court on Thursday 20th March 2014 as the guest of Richard Corbett, Chairman of the club.
The club has been in existence for 50 years and has six monthly evening meetings during the winter months at Lyde Court. The meetings consist of a dinner and speaker, usually speaking on an agricultural theme. The club also runs a trip each year to look at other innovative agricultural operations throughout the world – destinations have included Cornwall, Canada, Scotland and Kenya.
Bob enjoyed a wonderful dinner of Herefordshire beef and a very interesting talk by the speaker Nigel Harris who is the CEO of the charity Farm Africa. He also greatly enjoyed meeting many old friends and acquaintances. He was very interested to be reminded of the extensive national and international activities of Herefordshire farmers.